Refund and Return Policy

At Jeffersonville Bake Shop, we pride ourselves on the quality and freshness of our products. We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned, so we offer a limited refund and return policy under the following conditions:

  1. Same-Day Returns: Products can only be returned on the same day of purchase.

  2. Product Condition: The product must be more than 80% intact to be eligible for a refund.

  3. Exclusions for Customer Error: We will not issue refunds in situations deemed as customer error. For example, if a product like a strawberry shortcake is purchased and not consumed before the topping goes bad, it's considered customer error, and a refund will not be issued.Refunds or replacements will not be provided for damages incurred by the customer after the purchase and hand-off of the product.

  4. Refunds as a Courtesy: Please note that any and all refunds are at the discretion of Jeffersonville Bake Shop and are a courtesy to our customers.

  5. Respect for Staff: We are committed to maintaining a respectful, friendly environment for our staff and customers alike. Any discourteous or disrespectful behavior towards our staff will result in the refusal of a refund.

We value your patronage and thank you for understanding our policies, which help us maintain the high standards of quality and service that you expect from us.